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Friday, January 4, 2013

The Beauty in Reiki Healing

In a stressed out world like what we have today, more and more people are opting for other treatments other than using medications to help them achieve a more stable levels of thinking and emotions. This is because they have noticed that the more they depend on medication and treatments related to it, the more they feel weak, stressed out, and sick.

So, instead to suffering from the side effects of various medications, many people opt for a more traditional treatment such as Reiki healing.

Founded on the significant benefits of the human touch, Reiki healing is preferred by more and more people-especially those who are suffering from terminal cases and illnesses-because it provides a more "human" approach to healing. Since it is more soothing and comforting that the number of apparatus that are used in various hospitals and medical centers, Reiki healing has become an option to people who are tired of relying on medical treatments.

What sets this alternative therapy from the modern form of healing today is the more "human" feel into it. Many people prefer this because it lessens the depression their feel brought the illness or emotional pains knowing that a person/people understand what are they going through.

How Reiki healing works

Reiki healing works through the use of the never-ending cycle of love energy in people. Reiki healing utilizes the innate life force energy flowing in each individual and converts it into a more productive energy force.

Transferred from one person to another, this life energy force can heal a person's emotional imbalance, heals the dying spirit, and calms the mind. If it cannot be channeled from one person to another during a Reiki class, an individual can also use it alone especially if there's a great need to boost a person's morale or spirit.

Reiki healing can be a perfect key in solving people's personal predicaments if only they give it a try. Unlike modern medications that can cost so much money along with numerous side effects, Reiki healing would not rob you off so much money especially if you have mastered it for yourself.

The only expenses you'll be needing to achieve the benefits of Reiki healing is the fee for enrolment in a Reiki class and references such as magazines and books for practicing Reiki.

For Reiki healing to work properly and effectively, a person must first be able to achieve a higher will. When a person has a high will, it can enable somebody to set aside his or her self-centered intentions. Once this is done, a person can experience a blissful encounter with his or herself and can share this wonderful feeling of healing and contentment to other people.

Reiki healing can also be more effective when a person can channel or transfer his or her energy to those people in need. Once a person can do this, his or her will be accredited to a higher level, which can enable him or her to achieve peacefulness, calmness, and optimism in life.

In Reiki healing, the life force energy is channeled or transferred from one person to another through attunement. Usually takes place in Reiki classes and supervised by a Reiki master, this transfer of life force energy is remotely done to ensure its success.

Aside from healing a person's spirit, Reiki also helps a person to balance his or her prioties in life to achieve a more relaxed and content life.
CONTINUE READING - The Beauty in Reiki Healing

Reiki Training

Reiki training is different when you are beginner compared to someone who has already been introduced to it. In this article, we will talk about the first four levels to give people an idea of what actually happens.

During level one, the instructor will introduce you to the energy. Here, you get to develop a relationship with it by learning how to work with it, how it feels through your body and the effects on using this on yourself and others.

Over the course of two days, you will learn the 4 attunements. There will be enough time given to allow your system to settle into the new space and after a 21 day cleansing session, you will no longer feel any negative energy in your system.

Level two Reiki training should be done at least two months after you have completed level one. During this time, your vibration level should be much higher.

This is also a two day training course where you will receive another attunement that will increases your vibration and make you familiar with three of the four Reiki symbols. You will learn here how to make each of these symbols work and after a couple of days, you will again have to undergo a 21 day cleaning period to remove any negative energy that you may have.

Most people do not go beyond level two because they are already happy with what they have learned. But for those who want to push on and even become a master, they can continue on their way to level three.

It is recommended that you wait at least 6 to 12 months before you take level 3. When you are ready, you will again undergo a two day session so you may received your final attunement. There is another 21 day cleaning period and you may even be taught another Reiki system like the Seichim to help you through.

From here, we go the fourth and final level where you will be taught how to become both a master and a teacher so you may also teach those who want to learn about the Reiki. What makes this different from the first three levels is that you will be taught now from an instructor's perspective.

This will enable you to come up with your own lesson plans and manuals that you will distribute to your students. You will also learn about boundaries and ethics being a Master Teacher. You might even be given a test by creating a level one training which you will use to treat new comers.

Reiki training is now available in some institutions. You can even enroll in home study programs, online learning and distance instruction. You just have to find the right instructor that can teach you everything there is to know about this healing technique so you get your money's worth.

If you attend to join a class, you shouldn't worry about if this is crowded because batches are limited to 4 or 8 students. This will allow each one to have individualized attention from the instructor aside from the manuals that will be given at the start of the class.

Everyone is more than welcome to experience and embrace what Reiki training can do. You just have to keep an open mind and let the positive energy flow within you and cleansing yourself of the negative energies that fill your body, mind and soul.


Who is a Reiki Master?

The term Reiki has its Japanese roots. Literally, Rei signifies God's Wisdom or Higher Power whereas Ki denotes Life Force Energy. The Japanese Makao Usui is said to have rediscovered this Tibetan kind of healing. After his death, his disciples continued its practice until today that the discipline has already been passed on to the Masters from varying generations and cultures. In the course of this healing practice, a Reiki Master plays an important role. This article focuses on the introduction of who a Reiki Master is and how he fulfills his role of molding the learners.

An Introduction of the Master

The Master is the person who has devoted his time and energy in learning the art of healing that is known as Reiki. He studied and earned the degrees relevant to enhancing his skills in self-healing, healing others, and teaching the Reiki students. Prior to being qualified as a teacher, he has to prove himself proficient in executing all techniques in the lower degrees or levels both with mastery and efficiency and then he must move on to studying the Master Level or Master Degree.

Looking into the entirety of the Master, you will see a person who performs the healing art with due proficiency. He is the kind of an individual who is able to feel the calling along with the willingness to assume the responsibility of being a mentor, an initiator, and above all, a teacher. He is the certified person who can teach the methodologies and then attune other students into this kind of healing art.

The Master's Skills Enumerated

As the Master of Reiki teaching, he is endowed with numerous skills that has something to do with the spiritual healing. Included herein are his communication skills, the transforming, and handling of different types of emotional responses, carrying on the therapeutic figures, specializing in the teaching skills, and overcoming any resistance to perform the healing motivation.. Since Reiki is comprised of various levels, the Master should be knowledgeable enough in granting his students an in-depth knowledge in every level that he handles. It is furthermore required that he is capable of teaching all the encompassing levels or degrees.

Using the Energy

The master should therefore have the rightful knowledge on the usage of the life energy. As per the Reiki theory is concerned, the energy flows towards the target. Thus, it is exhibited to where the attention of the healer is directed. The symbols play a vital role in this sense especially in the production of the energy. There are different symbols involved and they all generate the respective energy. The produced energies are later on utilized for several objectives like stress relief and stress release, healing, and in curing a myriad of problems.

The Learning Course of the Masters

There are numerous courses that help mold a Master in Reiki. Reiki itself revolves within the straightforward philosophy of self-healing prior to healing other people. A Master's first challenge is that of healing himself because it is the only way on how he will be able to heal and help other people. During the training, the student who aims to become a Master is aided in resolving his personal past issues so he can better hold the rein of his own emotions. The mind training likewise helps a lot in provoking the manifestations of his own wants.

At any rate, the Reiki Master has a spiritual power that should never be underestimated. With all the positive energies in him, he is sure to influence the outpour of positive results.
CONTINUE READING - Who is a Reiki Master?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How will You Choose Your Reiki Master?

It is a glaring fact that these days, there are numerous teachers, institutions, training courses, and practitioners of Reiki all over the world. This then opens up a pool of confusions especially on the part of those interested apprentices. It is common for someone to entertain the feeling of being lost. There are several people who are serious in their desires to attain the Reiki attunements which are but essential so they can practice the art of healing by themselves. With the large number of institutions and trainers around, it is a bit hard to find out the exact person who can teach you of the relevant methodologies. As a would-be Reiki student, finding the appropriate Reiki Master can truly be challenging. You should spot that particular person who has the full energy within him, one who is proficient in practicing the rituals and techniques, and one who is every inch an expert in Reiki.

An Important Understanding As a learner of Reiki, you should understand that this healing process is nonetheless a holistic system that covers several factors in relation to healing, balancing, and harmonizing every single aspect of an individual. The balanced and harmonized factors can be utilized to promote both the spiritual and personal consciousness and growth. The healing technique is basically safe. You may ask why. The main reason is that all the strategies used are executed gently. The healers actually make use of the spiritual energy in the treatment of the mental, physical, and emotional diseases and problems but with the absence of massage or any other pressure or manipulation.

Reiki is all about doing good in one's lifetime. It applies to where it is necessary. The client will only receive the appropriate energy that he requires at the time being. Reiki is not in any way pushed by the practitioner but the energy from it is being drawn in by the client himself. It is also necessary to note that throughout the session, the client will not take the energy that belongs to the therapist. What he gets to absorb is the pure and the clean Reiki energy.

Top Tips in Finding the Best Master During your search, you will be drawn towards the rightful Master who will be perfect for you and your needs. You should go to the person with whom you feel comfortable. He should be the one who can teach and guide you. He is someone who can feel for what you need and what you desire for.

As you take a trip to several Reiki institutions, here are the tips that can help you out in seeking for your ultimate Master.

Proficiency. Your Master should have worked hard and long to know every single detail that comprises the art of healing. He should be able to perform the techniques based on what he has learned, experienced, and practiced with or without them having been mentioned in the Reiki books or manuals.

Lineage. The Masters belong to different categories. You should find out his affiliation to be able to know the teachings and techniques that he is likely to impart.

Qualifications. Be sure that your Master is certified. There are prerequisites prior to being qualified to become a mentor.

Class Coverage. What will he teach you? Will he reveal the symbols? Will he teach you self-discovered techniques?

Fees. Know the relevant fees that you need to settle to start with the course.

Overall, the Reiki Master will be the one who will hone your skills with the right amount of techniques, hand positions, energy usage, and the likes. It is a must to look around for the best Masters who are qualified to provide the teachings.
CONTINUE READING - How will You Choose Your Reiki Master?

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