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Friday, December 14, 2012

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-7 : Inner Connection

You've made it to the top, well done.

From up here you have a great vantage point and can really see for miles.

Up here, of course, is the crown chakra - right on the top of your head - and it resonates to the color white. (Violet and gold too, at times). But we prefer white, as it is symbolic of all the colors.

To energize this chakra, as with the sixth, eat all colors of the spectrum type foods... preferably raw and with mostly 70% water content.

Now, as you are aware, we are a three-part being...

Body, mind and spirit.

Think of the body as representing happiness - the mind as representing joy and the spirit as representing peace.

Inner happiness comes when you meet the needs of your physical self... and it radiates outwards.

Inner joy comes when you meet the wants of your emotional self... and it radiates outwards.

Inner peace comes when you meet the desires of your spiritual self... when you follow the nature of who you are... and this radiates outwards too.

Bring all these aspects of yourself together and you can experience a state of blissful contentment...

And Reiki is tremendously helpful here.

Reiki makes you more of who you already are, and as you will come to understand... less, really is more.

As you expand, through Reiki, parts of you drop away - they are no longer important to you.

Suddenly this huge YOU is standing there, in all your glory.

You feel serene and confident... you don't have to do anything - you simply are.

Everything becomes pleasurable and fun, because you choose it, and you are now fully aware of this...

You now know, that it is you who creates your reality. It is you - and no one else - who makes what happens happen.

Life is enjoyable.

Even the hard bits are more fun, because you no longer take things personally... you don't take it all so much to heart, anymore.

Your life is now freer, less cluttered.

You have begun to understand that life is glorious, just the way it is...

That everybody is where they are at, right now, because - consciously or unconsciously - they chose to be there. In that very place, in that very position.

Everything is perfect - it can't be any other way.

Your peaceful serenity will be like a beacon to others. And you will often find - more and more - that people are drawn to you in the midst of their own struggles.

From your vantage point, you may well be able to see the bigger picture for them. And...

You'll find you can support and guide them, if necessary, but without having to get so emotionally involved.

You can see, quite clearly - and respect - that it is the person's own choices and decisions that have brought them to this point - and you know it is exactly right for them.

At level seven, you are deeply connected to the divine. You realise that this is what physical life is all about...

The cut and the thrust.

You know that this is where everyone wants to be... in the thick of it... up to their elbows.

There are no accidents.

If they had really wanted to be leading a different life - then they would be leading it.

Everyone is free to choose - only most people don't know it.

Chikara-Reiki-Do, the name we have given to the whole body system of Reiki we have developed, is about choosing total freedom - a lifestyle that suits you.

By choosing to love, honor and respect the spirit and nature of who you are - you can redefine your life.

With the right knowledge you can open any door.

With the right knowledge, you can have a happy, healthy body.

With the right knowledge, you can have a positive mental attitude, full of creative ideas.

With the right knowledge, your spirit will soar peacefully.

There is nothing to learn... all the knowledge is inside you right now. You just have to remember it - that's all.

Using Chikara-Reiki-Do as a tool for your expansion is simple and straight forward.

In its simplicity lies its power... no fluff... no clutter.

We hope you have enjoyed this short mini-course and that maybe it has opened a door within you... the door to remembering who you are.

If we never speak with you again, take our best wishes with you, along with the sincere hope that you accomplish all of your dreams... and fulfill your heart's desire.

God Bless You
CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-7 : Inner Connection

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-6 : Intuition and Knowing

Previously we have talked about the physical level of life, the material - the down there - the down below kind of stuff.

Now we enter the realms of the spiritual.

Level six is our intuitive, knowing, focussing center. Our all seeing, panoramic vision, surround sound, home entertainment center.

It's positioned in the middle of our brains... but most people refer to this center as the third-eye chakra and place it on the center of your forehead - just up and between your eyes.

This, of course, is only a symbolic position, but you'll often see it portrayed like this in many books.

And the color...?

It resonates to that of royal blue/purple.

Eating foods from all colors of the spectrum are good, but preferably high water content - at least 70% - and mostly raw.

Okay then, let's look a little deeper...

There is a balance that must be acheived here.

A mix between internal and external.

The start of actually beginning to see what has always been there, though you never noticed it before...

Reading the energy, seeing the aura, sensing the person, place, thing etc.

You have always absorbed this sort of energy subconsciously, but now with Reiki, you can bring it more to the fore - consciously.

But first you need a bit of peace and quiet, and this may take some practice.

Many wise people have said some quite... well, er, wise things.

For example - less is more. Look before you leap. See all, hear all and say nowt (English slang for nothing). All action stems from non-action etc.

And we're going to practice some of these wise things now, to gain focus and inner silence.

    Rule 1. Shut up. Shhh, not a word - it's not necessary.
    Rule 2. Listen. Shhh, not a word, be quiet - it comes as a whisper.
    Rule 3. Slow down. Shhh, not a word. Right now there is nothing else you need ‘to do’. Just ‘be’ here, now.
    Rule 4. Observe. Shhh, be silent.

Now, look again.

See the colors, movements, shadows, mannerisms, spaces, time, grass grow.

Hear the noise, silence, whispers on the wind, emotion on the breath, your inner voice...

Now you are connecting - the inner with the outer.

If you are a westerner you probably have trouble sitting still. But just taking time out to daydream is great.

When we suggest meditation to people we usually say - start your day just ten minutes earlier than anyone else gets up.

Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and just sit in quiet contemplation.

Ponder your thoughts, collect your thoughts, let your thoughts just wander.

Eventually you can increase the time you spend alone in this way to half an hour and then maybe even a full hour.

It will be time well spent...

For your head will begin to empty itself of unnecessary thoughts.

And using the Tibetan Raku Reiki symbol and running the energy - just for you - is a beautiful way to start the day. As you do this you could also carry out a self-healing or send energy to your goals. Just...

Allow your imagination to expand your boundaries.

You've de-cluttered your life, now you're de-cluttering your mind.

It helps to do it daily, consciously with Reiki, until it becomes a habit.

So, where are we...

You've energized almost all your centers, but have you felt that the more energy you have, the slower you go? Have you also noticed that the less you do the more gets done?

What was so important to you before, is now much less so.

You'll be able to focus your intention much more sharply without distractions...

You'll do what you choose to do, because it feels right for you. You'll feel the power of your intention. You'll be quiet enough to sense any ‘discomfort’ with your decision, and wise enough to change course if necessary.

Touching base with meditation is great to keep you on course with your original intention, and the nature of who YOU are. But please, just touch base...

Remember you are a spiritual being already... fully enlightened, and already divine.

So, don't spend all your time in meditation trying to become what you already are...

Get out and enjoy life physically. It is, after all, why you are here.

If you want to discover more of your latent abilities, run the Reiki instead...

The more regularly you practice running the Reiki, just for you, the more quickly your psychic abilities will develop.

The more you trust yourself and your feelings, the stronger they will become. You will be able to step-up your awareness instantly.

There is so much to be said at this level but it loses most of its meaning in the saying - so we're not going to say any more...

Check it out yourself - practice, practice, practice - playfully of course, and see what happens. So...

Have fun, chill out and then have some more fun.

And we'll see you again next time with your final part - part seven, the part that tops it all off... literally.

You'll receive it tomorrow, so you'd better hurry up and attune yourself to Reiki.

Want to find out how...

Become a Reiki Master now

You've nothing to lose but your ordinary life.

God Bless You

CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-6 : Intuition and Knowing

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What You Need To Know About Kundalini Reiki?

When it comes to spiritual healing, Kundalini Reiki is considered by many people as one of most basic yet effective means of today. This is because the practice involves simple and easily understood structures that anybody can practice.

Many people-who are into spiritual healing-are into Kundalini Reiki because it is far more easier that the practice of the traditional Reiki. Since Kundalini Reiki is derived from the traditional Reiki, majority of its techniques, means of treatments, and principles are pretty much the same. Only that Kundalini Reiki uses simpler methods to achieve spiritual healing in a faster and more convenient manner.

How Kundalini Reiki works

When we say Kundalini, it usually refers to the opening of various "healing channels" and "charkas" that gives people easy access in gaining the energy of the Earth. Here, the "root chakra" serves as the center of energy that paves the way for the Kundalini energy to enter.

Also referred to as the "Kundalini fire," Kundalini energy is said to flow all throughout the person's body and taps the body's 'main energy channel." Once it the energy has reached 'main energy channel," the Kundalini Reiki will now exit the "crown chakra," and comes back in a form of cycle.

In Kundalini Reiki, the energy that has been released from a person through a channel enters the "root chakra," passes through "crown chakra"-which is usually located on top of a person's head-and stay there for a period of time. During its stay in the "crown chakra," the Kundalini Reiki cleanses the "charkas" in the different parts of the body and channels it all throughout the system.

Here's the step-by-step procedure how Kundalini Reiki works:

1. The first step in making Kundalini Reiki work is by opening the channels where Reiki energy will flow. This step is called the "first attunement." This process also prepares the person for the second awakening of the Kundalini Reiki. Here, the person's chakras in the hand, crown, and hand are opened and strengthened at the same time to complete the first phase. This first step is said to be the equivalent of Usui's Reiki 1to 3 attunements which most people who practice traditional Reiki use.

2. The second step in making Kundalini Reiki work is the strengthening of channels. After the initial awakening of the Kundalini Reiki, the channels where the life force energy should be strengthened so it can accommodate the channeled energy. When the channels are strengthened, it ensures that receiving of energy in a gentle and sure manner. This process also paves that way for igniting the Kundalini energy and enables it to reach its minimum chakra.

3. The third step in making Kundalini Reiki work is strengthening the channels where the Kundalini fire will reach it maximum limit. Once this is done, the Kundalini Reiki will then perform its task of cleansing the person's spirituality while strengthening and nurturing it.

For the Kundalini Reiki to work more effectively, the person who's practicing it may also include extra attunements including "balance," and the use of 'diamond Reiki," "crystalline Reiki," "DNA Reiki," "birth trauma Reiki," "location Reiki," and the "past life Reiki."

Although Kundalini Reiki is a simple means of spiritual healing, people should be careful in using or practicing it because they can be grounded to the energy of the Earth if they don't have enough knowledge and guidance when doing it.
CONTINUE READING - What You Need To Know About Kundalini Reiki?

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-5 : Communication and Expression

It's the fifth chakra and it resonates to the color blue...

A beautiful turquoise or sky blue. So just looking at a clear blue sky will help energise it.

Unfortunately here in the UK, where we're based, the skies aren't blue very often. So if your country is similar, try wearing a turquoise scarf around your neck.

Now, as there aren't many sky blue foods around either - well, not one's which are healthy for you at least - this avenue of energizing the chakra is out too...

Could this be why there's so much lack of communication in the world today? Too few ways of energizing this chakra?

Just a thought... but perhaps one to bear in mind.

Anyway, as you'll probably recall from reading the end of part 4, this chakra lies in your throat region - roughly in the area of your larynx.

So, you can quite easily see why it's known as the chakra of communication and expression, can't you?

And the fact that communication is the buzz word of the 21st century, is no accident either. For this is, energetically speaking, the level where the world is at right now.

The world's own evolution is in its fifth chakra too.

But even though we are in this age of communication, not many people really know how to do it yet.

Information is shoved indiscriminately down our throats, all day long, so to speak. TV, radio, computers, books, newspapers, magazines, billboards etc.

Everybody and everything is yatter, yatter, yatter... and what happens - nothing - you just switch off.

It gets like you're walking around in ear muffs and blinkers. Numbed to the world, not hearing or seeing anything. Next thing you know they turn up the volume...

Now you can't even hear yourself think either.

All in all, not a lot of communication going on, is there? We have to get rid of all this extraneous noise.

Communication and expression is a two way thing.

May we suggest that, at least for a little while, you don't read newspapers or magazines and don't watch TV at all.

What will you do instead? Especially when you're commuting to work, or taking a break?

Notice the change of the seasons - the current fashions - the birds flying by - how rain runs down in rivulets down the window - and then... talk to the people around you.

You could even try doing something outrageous to complete strangers... smile.

Not a grimmacing, it's too early to smile type smile either. Make it a genuine smile, a real hello smile.

Trust us. This is not as dangerous as it sounds.

Yes, we know. If you listen to the news and read the papers, all those other people out there are murderers, muggers, rapists, perverts, terrorists, burglars and bandits etc.

We learn to live in fear of each other.

Believe it or not though, most people are just normal, ordinary, salt of the earth, decent folk like you.

There is a saying - ‘Smile and the world smiles with you’, and it's so true. A smile is a real blessing to people.

In this day and age too many people seem to walk around with armor on. Almost needing credit checks and police protection before they can actually feel safe enough to talk to someone.

Well, we don't.

A stranger is a new friend in the making to us. We smile and actually talk with people we don't know, yes really.

We trust our instincts and intuitions.

Sure, some people are not to our liking. We don't vibrate at the same level... we're not on the same wave length, as it were.

But that's not to say that a few moments quiet conversation won't be helpful to us all.

You see, the throat center is where we discover how to ‘speak our truth’, but most of it is silent communication. In the stillness we are not only able to hear other people, but ourselves too.

The throat is between the head and the heart - between heaven and earth.

The 3rd eye and crown chakras are our spiritual centers - the above.

Our other five centers are our physical centers - the below.

Our throat is the meeting point, where we can speak out our inner thoughts... blend the inner and the outer... the above with the below.

Heaven with Earth.

When someone talks, listen to the words and also the silences. What was not said is important too.

Feel the emotion of what was said - what feeling did it provoke in you? What response?

Trust your gut feeling... that still small voice inside of you.

Less is definitely more when it comes to talking and expressing yourself.

This is true communication.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Speak only when you have something to say.

Can Reiki help here?

It can most certainly help with any anxiety you may have to be heard - to be taken notice of - to have your opinion count.

Try this.

Take a small blank card, like a business card, and write the word ‘smile’ on one side. On the other side draw the Usui Reiki Master symbol, for the fifth chakra.

Keep it to hand all day long.

When someone addresses you - smile - be as silent as you can.


Make all the right noises - oh, ahh, mmmm... nod your head knowingly, smile, frown, raise your eyebrows etc.

But continue to listen, yes, to listen... not hear. Everyone hears but few really listen - you be an exception.

If you have to make a reply, think carefully - your words have power - words are thoughts made manifest.

So, hold your card and silently chant the symbols name three times - and when you speak, speak your truth - feel your power - own your power.

Communicate your truth - say what you mean and mean what you say.

Now, try giving up reading newspapers and watching TV for good.

Instead, communicate with your world, inside and out. But always be clear in what you are saying, don't ever be vague.

God Bless You

CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-5 : Communication and Expression

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Learning About Reiki

What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese type of spiritual practice also used for stress reduction and relaxation. It is a technique that also helps promote healing either for self or for other people. It is characterized as a practice of "laying of hands".

The healing powers of the technique are based on the idea that there is an unseen "life force energy" that flows through each person. This life force is said to be the reason why people are alive. When one's life force energy is low, then people are likely to get sick or feel weak. If the life force is high, people fell healthy and happy.

Reiki is also a form of meditation used as a type of therapy for treating physical, emotional, and mental diseases. The name Reiki is taken from two Japanese characters that describe energy itself. The word "rei", which means "unseen" or 'spiritual" and "ki" which means "energy" or "life force" is combined to become Reiki. In English, its meaning is usually given as "universal life energy".

It was Mikao Usui who was known to have developed Reiki in 20th century Japan.  Story has it that Usui received the ability of healing after going through three weeks of fasting and meditating on top of Mount Kurama. Practitioners of Reiki use a technique similar to that of the laying on of hands.

This action is said to promote the channeling of "healing energy" to another person. The energy flows through the palms and brings along with it healing powers that can be used for self-treatment as well as for treating others.

Reiki is a simple, natural as well as safe method of dispensing spiritual healing and self-improvement. It is said to be effective in providing alternative treatment for virtually every known illness and malady. Not only that, Reiki also helps create an added beneficial effect, that of spiritual healing. This method is also said to work well when combined with other medical or therapeutic techniques to help relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Reiki, although seen as a very powerful healing technique, is an amazingly simple to learn. Reiki and the ability to use it effectively cannot be taught in the usual sense. The skill is said to be 'transferred" to the student during a Reiki class.

This ability is not merely learned but is passed on by a Reiki master to the student during a gathering known as "attunement". After the skill has been passed on, it allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" that can then be used to improve one's health and enhance the one's quality of life.

Although the practice of Reiki may be spiritual in nature, it is not considered as a religion. There are no set of beliefs that one should learn about before learning to practice the technique known as Reiki. The practice does not depend on any form of dogma.

It will work whether the student believes it or not. But it is said that the practice of Reiki helps people to keep in touch of their spiritual selves rather than the intellectual concept that it provides.

The practice of Reiki also aims to develop and promote living in harmony with others. Aside from practicing Reiki and its principles, the founder of the Reiki system, Mikao Usui also recommends the practice of simple ethical ideals that can lead to peace and harmony among people.

Getting to know what Reiki is may help people not only become a healing channel but also a tool to promote peace among other people.
CONTINUE READING - Learning About Reiki

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-4 : Love and Relationships

Let's plunge straight into the heart of the matter, for level 4 corresponds to the heart chakra.

Now, this center doesn't occupy the same position as your physical heart, as you've probably already guessed. No, it's more central.

So, as a rough guide, find your breast bone... got it? Well, your heart chakra lies about half way down, but not on the surface, of course, it's in the center mass of your body...

As, indeed, are all your energy centers, just in case you're wondering.

Okay then, let's get onto the color, it's green, a beautiful emerald, fresh green, spring grass color.

Which makes it, perhaps, the easiest center to energise - for all you have to do is just walk in nature, and see all the greens...

Yes, that's right, see the greens. Not look at the greens, actually see them. Usually people just look at nature, but without seeing it anymore. So really...

See the grass, the hills, the plants, the trees.

Then try... lying face down on your lawn, tickling your toes in the grass, growing fresh herbs, keeping pot plants etc, and also...

Wearing the color itself.

Eating your greens works wonders too. No, don't wrinkle your nose, they really are good for you, honest. They resonate at just the right frequency.

Right then, have you implemented any of the suggestions made in the first 3 parts of this mini-course yet?

If you have, you may have found that you're beginning to feel a little bit 'full of yourself'. And this is quite alright...

Yes, really - it's quite alright - and it's something that should definitely be encouraged.


Because you're slowly beginning to fill up with love. And as love is what you actually consist of... this kind of - ‘becoming full of yourself’ - is absolute perfection...


    As a tiny aside here - we rather like acronyms. And we have two for the word love.

    Why two?

    Because love is so vitally important. It really, really is - all there is.

    Here they are:




And with this filling up comes a desire to share. You begin to overflow.

We started at the beginning (part-1) with the ‘I’ now it's evolving into ‘we’.

Are you noticing a soft smile is often on your face? Are you feeling content yet... like a cat with the cream? Your life may be getting clearer, happier and more focussed...

If you've been following the first three steps, that is.

If you haven't, that's quite okay too, there's no hurry. Take your time... move at your own pace.

In fact to have made the kind of jumps we have been discussing, in the few days of this course, would be highly unusual.

Please allow us this ‘artistic license’ so we can get all the parts of the course to you, in a realistic time frame.

Just remember...

Your mini-course lasts 12 days - your growth lasts a lifetime. Keep all seven parts safe, and refer to them when you feel you are ready.

Okay, let's continue

What can you do with all this loving energy?

You need to share, care and relate to others. Touch people with your heart, for when you do...

You'll notice that people become spontaneously drawn to you - chatting at the shops, neighbors wanting to talk with you, animals coming over for a stroke...

Now, this does not mean that life goes all slushy - all huggy, huggy, kissy, kissy - no, no no...

It means you are confident, happy, focussed and serene...

Radiating a peaceful, loving, uplifting energy.

Shit may still happen of course, but you will react differently...

You'll recognise it's more and more the case that it's “shift” that is happening.

Instead of just reacting to what happens in your life - you will now begin to respond...

You'll be able to stand back and think to yourself, ‘What would be the loving thing to do right now, for me and for everyone else’.

If a situation is handled with love, the outcome will be for everyone's highest good.

Using the Tibetan Reiki Master symbol will help to transcend and transmute any negativity around the situation.

It will keep you balanced, focussed and confident.

At this level you will also feel more in tune with the other persons heart and you will just know what to do...

So, trust yourself.

Now, opening up your heart center can feel scary at times, as if you are wide open to attack - and indeed you can be - for a little while...

But don't worry, you can protect yourself with Reiki.

Phew, that's a relief, what do I do?

Simply call upon the Reiki energy to fill you and surround you with love and protection - for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

What else can you do? Forgive... forgive?

Yes, forgive. Forgive anyone and everyone who wishes you any ill will... imagined or otherwise.

Forgiveness is a kindness we do for ourselves, for in this forgiveness you will see the struggle in others. And then you can bless them.

Bless them for coming into your life, for there are no accidents. They are in your life because you wanted them to be there...


So you can use them as a mirror. A mirror to see, how you don't want to be (how poetical).

No, it's not being judgemental or ‘better than’. It's merely an observation, and you'll find more and more that...

As you begin to understand this, you won't need so much of it in your life anymore. Life will become more tranquil.

However, initially, you may find that...

Energizing the heart chakra can bring up lots of emotional stuff. And we do mean lots.

But that's okay too. Allow it to come up and out. Don't push it back down again. Express it.


If you need to grieve - grieve. If you need to feel hurt - feel hurt. If you need to get angry - get angry.

But do it appropriately. Don't allow your repressed anger to come up and then use it to hurt someone innocent. Go somewhere private, get a stick and beat the heck out of a cushion. Let all that anger, hurt, shame, blame etc, come pouring out and let it go.

Emotion is just energy in motion... allow it to move. Don't bottle it up tight.

Use the Reiki to continually balance yourself and turn any of your negative emotions into positive ones.

Be gentle and loving with yourself.

It can be both rough and beautiful, sunshine and rain, laughter and tears, but most of all...

It will be, just as it should be.

Okay then, that's enough for today. Next time we'll move into the area of communication - your throat. You'll get it tomorrow.

God Bless You

CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-4 : Love and Relationships

Monday, December 10, 2012

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-3 : Giving and Receiving

And this chakra, your third level, resonates to the color yellow.

Now, as with your first and second chakras, this center can also be energised with color. So wearing yellow is great. Not a dull yellow like mustard but a nice vibrant sunshine yellow...

In fact allowing the sun itself to shine on this area is extremely beneficial.

Yes, and you're probably ahead of us by now, yellow foods are good too. Yellow peppers, lemons, bananas, grapefruit, sweetcorn etc.

Where is this chakra? Well...

Once again we're going to be general in our indications of where it lies... and this is quite deliberate. We don't want you getting unnecessarily caught up in the need to be precise.

For, you see...

These energy centers are not really a part of the physical body. They exist only in the etheric... precision, therefore, is not required.

Your intention to connect with them, is all that is necessary.

However, as a rough guide. Make a fist with your thumb sticking straight out across the top of your index finger. Lay your clenched fist flat against you chest and allow the top of your thumb to nestle in the notch at the base of your breast bone. The body of your fist is now in the general area.

Okay then, this third chakra is your gathering center which responds to the Distance symbol. And...

If you've ever had a shock - perhaps being told a close relative has suddenly died or you've been witness to an accident - you'll know exactly where it is...

Because on hearing the news or seeing the trauma, it's like a great canon ball thuds right into this area, simultaneously taking the wind right out of you, and flooding your system with emotion.

Have you ever experienced this?

If you have, you won't need telling what a powerful receiver of energy this third chakra is... you'll already know. But it is not just a receiver it's also a grand transmitter of energy too.

So, balance here is essential... for as you give, so you really do receive... and sometimes very quickly.

Understanding the characteristics of this chakra then, allows you to see, quite clearly, how important it is to nurture the first two of your seven energy centers.

Because if you haven't given to yourself first, then you won't have anything to give to others...

The pot will be empty. So...

You must practice giving to number one - YOU - first.

Now don't go getting all funny on us here. We don't want you thinking... "No this isn't right... it's better to give, than to receive"...

For how can it be? It has to be equally good to do both.

If someone gives you a gift and you say, “Oh no, I couldn't possibly accept”, and then refuse to take it. How do you think the giver of the gift feels?

It's very limiting if you live only to give and not receive. Where on earth's the balance in this way of being?

There is none. And you have to have balance in all things.

So let's take a look at what you are giving out in your life right now... let's look in the magic mirror.

Because - YOU - will be reflected back in everything that surrounds you in your world today.

That's right. Everything you see when you open your eyes, is YOU.

You'll see what you really think of yourself... what you really feel you deserve... what you really feel you are worth.

If you've settled for a job that doesn't challenge and motivate you - perhaps it's just pulling a lever all day - but it pays the rent.

Then that's exactly what life will reflect back to you...

A life that doesn't stretch you - bores you to death - in a house that's adequate - but isn't really what you want. Surrounded, most likely, with mediocre friends who don't challenge or stretch you either.

Now remember -

You are living the life you've got right now, because you are the one who chose it... No one else did.

It must, therefore, be exactly as you want it to be.

So, if you're now feeling it isn't... then perhaps it's time to change it. Yes, we know it may not be easy, but it is simple.

Start by deciding what you really, really want from life...

Do you want to receive more money?... then give more money to others. Do you want more love in your life?... then decide to give more love to others. Do you want more happiness in your life?... then give more happiness to others.

Now, as we just said... we know it isn't easy... but it is simple. Simply choose and decide to give to receive. Then -

Lie or sit comfortably and, activating your palms with the Distance Reiki symbol, place one had over the other on your third chakra and run the energy.

Intend to give more - intend to receive more... and so it will be.

Can you see how it works yet?

Everything, everything, EVERYTHING reflects back to you what you give out through your feelings.

If you are putting out the feelings of being a failure, guess what's going to be reflected back to you?

On the other hand if you are feeling successful... what's going to come back?

You've got it - success, success, SUCCESS.

It can be no other way. Cause and effect - whatever you put out, comes back to you... with interest added on.

So please look into your magic mirror... your magic mirror called LIFE.

Yes, really. Do it now.

Check it out, check it all out... your life, your work, your income, your home, your relationships, vacations, car, clothes, kids.

It's a true reflection of how you feel about yourself right now... the outer reflects the inner.

Is this reflection of your life truly the one you want it to be? Only you know the answer, and you must remember...

You can have, be and do anything you choose in life... anything.

So don't settle for second best, choose wisely...

And use Reiki. It makes you more of who you are.

God Bless You


CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-3 : Giving and Receiving

Alternative Bipolar Medications

Bipolar is considered as a major disorder that can greatly affect an individual and his family. There are many definitions of this illness. One definition states that a person with bipolar disorder experiences extreme elations that alternates with deep depression. Bipolar disorder is also called manic depression. Generally, it is characterized by depressive episodes and accompanied by a manic episode.

To put it simply, bipolar disorder affects feelings, thoughts, behavior, and perceptions. Experts say that it is brought about by the chemical and electrical elements found in the brain that are not functioning properly. Some say that it runs in the family, so families having a history of bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are more prone to having the disorder.

There are certain medications given for bipolar patients, and not all of them are quite comfortable in taking daily doses of different medications. Most of them are interested to secure supplemental or alternative therapies rather than taking prescription medications.

Omega 3
There are many researches showing that omega 3 found in fish oils and in certain fishes are excellent for bipolar patients, as well as those having mental illnesses. There was a significant research done in 30 bipolar patients for four months. It was a placebo-controlled and double-blind study. It aims to compare omega 3's efficacy versus olive oil or placebo for the treatment of bipolar disorder.

According to researchers, bipolar disorder is a neuropsychiatic illness that has a high mortality and morbidity. In their preliminary study, it was proven that omega 3 performed better and resulted to longer remissions based on the four scales of symptom-severity. Further studies are still underway, and researchers are hoping that they can come up with new classes of psychotropic compounds that can be used as mood stabilizers.

Most people resolve to the use of herbal supplements instead of taking prescribed drug medications. But not all herbs are good for the treatment of bipolar disorder. In fact, there are certain herbs that can worsen the condition of a bipolar patient. Some herbal supplements actually have a harmful reaction when used together with certain drugs. Consult your doctor first before taking any herbal medication in conjunction with other drugs.

Nutrition and Your Diet
You have to adjust your diet, and this means checking your meal menus everyday. The nutrients which the body receives are very important. Holistic physicians use b-complex, magnesium, and thiamin for episodes of depression.

Pastoral Counseling
If you're suffering from bipolar disorder, you can also talk to your pastor, priest, or rabbi instead of talking to therapists. The religious community may be of great help during these times. In fact, the community is now recognizing the role of spirituality and prayers. In can even be included in psychotherapies and medication.

Art Therapies
If you're always staying at home, then perhaps you might want to join expressive therapies. Through the arts, you can express freely your feelings and do so without inhibitions. You can enroll in a drawing class, sculpting, painting, and many others. Find an appropriate therapist in your locality who specializes in art therapies or expressive therapies.

If you want movement, enroll in a dance therapy. Let your feet fly and your spirit soar while incorporating your physical, cognitive, and emotional facets to the dance.

Soothing music can make a person relax. So why not enroll in sound or music therapy? Your body chemicals can be stimulated to improve blood pressure and flow, breathing, pulse rate, and changes in posture.

Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicines or the culturally based ones like shiatsu, reiki, acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda, talking circles, and sweat lodge are only typical examples. All these healing arts are based on balancing the states of the physical, spiritual, and emotional for the wellness of an individual. If the forces in your body are imbalanced, you will likely get an illness.

If all these things are combined: omega 3, herbal, right diet, pastoral counseling, art therapies, and traditional healing arts, perhaps the forces of the body can be balanced and a bipolar patient can be treated effectively. But remember to consult your doctor for any problems that you may encounter, and don't just stop your prescribed medication if you have one. Continue using it, and ask your doctor if you can also use other alternative medication.
CONTINUE READING - Alternative Bipolar Medications

Culturally Based Healing Arts

Traditional Oriental medicine (such as acupuncture, shiatsu, and reiki), Indian systems of health care (such as Ayurveda and yoga), and Native American healing practices (such as the Sweat Lodge and Talking Circles) all incorporate the beliefs that: 

* Wellness is a state of balance between the spiritual, physical, and mental/emotional 'selves." 

* An imbalance of forces within the body is the cause of illness. 

* Herbal/natural remedies, combined with sound nutrition, exercise, and meditation/prayer, will correct this imbalance. 

Acupuncture: The Chinese practice of inserting needles into the body at specific points manipulates the body's flow of energy to balance the endocrine system. This manipulation regulates functions such as heart rate, body temperature, and respiration, as well as sleep patterns and emotional changes.

Acupuncture has been used in clinics to assist people with substance abuse disorders through detoxification; to relieve stress and anxiety; to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children; to reduce symptoms of depression; and to help people with physical ailments. 

Ayurveda: Ayurvedic medicine is described as "knowledge of how to live." It incorporates an individualized regimen--such as diet, meditation, herbal preparations, or other techniques--to treat a variety of conditions, including depression, to facilitate lifestyle changes, and to teach people how to release stress and tension through yoga or transcendental meditation. 

Native American traditional practices: Ceremonial dances, chants, and cleansing rituals are part of Indian Health Service programs to heal depression, stress, trauma (including those related to physical and sexual abuse), and substance abuse. 

Cuentos: Based on folktales, this form of therapy originated in Puerto Rico. The stories used contain healing themes and models of behavior such as self-transformation and endurance through adversity. Cuentos is used primarily to help Hispanic children recover from depression and other mental health problems related to leaving one's homeland and living in a foreign culture.
CONTINUE READING - Culturally Based Healing Arts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-2 : Pleasure, Fun and Creativity

Level two resonates to the color orange and relates to the reproductive organs. Now... Chakras one and two are constantly being mixed up with each other. And the exact positioning of each one depends entirely on the school of thought you are listening to at the time...
But, for us, the exact positioning is quite unimportant. Your intention is the only important thing. If you are intending to run the Reiki energy through your first Chakra (coccyx, rectal area)...
Then that is where the energy will flow.
If you are intending to run the energy through your second Chakra (genital area) - then that also - is where it will flow.
Your intention rules... always and all ways.
Energizing this second chakra, is similar to that of your first, only this time you use the color orange. Orange underwear, orange trousers, orange skirt etc.
And you can also eat foods of this color... carrots, oranges, orange peppers and the like.
Now, as for the Reiki... Again, you can use the same exercise as with your first chakra. So...
Lie or sit, and rest your hands low down on your abdomen or, if you find it comfortable enough, over your genital area itself.
Activate the Mental and Emotional symbol and simply allow the energy to run for as long as you want or need...
You'll know when you've had enough because you'll probably find yourself getting fidgety.
Of course, if you plan to run the energy at night before sleeping, it's quite okay to just carry on running it until you drift off into dreamland.
So, how will this affect you..?
Plenty, we hope. For allowing as much pleasure and fun into your life should be of paramount importance. And this pleasure and fun should most definitely underpin all your creative endeavours.
If you are a woman... the womb is the center of your creativity, the seat of your power. If you are not using this energy internally - as in creating babies - you need to be expressing it externally - as in...
Writing, drawing, painting, interior designing, flower arranging... anything - just being creatively creative will keep the energy flowing strongly and smoothly.
Why would you want to do this?
Because if you don't allow your creative energy to flow it can become blocked or out of balance, and this can lead to problems.
What kind of problems?
Well, blocked creative expression can lead to frequent headaches, foggy thinking, depression, problems with your womb and even vision disturbances (as in not being able to see a clear path ahead) etc.
There are other ways these imbalances can show up, of course, but we think that's enough for you to get the flavor of what we mean.
If you're a man... the same applies. You need to be creative too...
Maybe not with the flower arranging perhaps... but then again... well, who knows.
A man who is confident in himself exudes a powerful, sensual energy. He is the mature male.
A woman who is confident in herself is like a ship in full sail - magnificent, graceful, sensual, magic.
And it all stems from allowing the creative energy to flow. Which also includes, by the way, the most powerful and fundamental of your creative energies... sexual expression. Give yourself full permission to experience and deeply enjoy everything about this natural, creative and wholly, satisfying energy.
Okay then...
So what else can Reiki do to help generate this feeling of balance and the 'at oneness with life' feeling?
Well, at this level we need to center on clearing away those things, situations and people that throw us out of balance...
For instance, the job that's not right, the relationship that only ‘sort of’ works, the friends that aren't really...
In fact clear out anything and everything in your life which does not bring you fun, pleasure and enjoyment.
There is no easy way to do this ‘de-cluttering’ of your life. But Reiki will certainly help you to choose what is right for you. It will help guide you towards that which is your hearts desire. So by...
Using the appropriate Reiki symbol (see page 159 of our book Radical Reiki - Radical Life if you don't know what this is) whilst running the energy through your second chakra, you will begin to bring this understanding to you. It'll help you see clearly what you really want without getting too emotionally roller-coastered in the process.
The more fun, pleasure and creativity there is in your life the more powerful and free you feel...
The lighter your thoughts, the more clarity of vision you have.
In part one of this short course we asked you to begin trusting in yourself. So, let's begin trusting some more here...
Let's trust that you know what's right for you - and that only you know what's right.
Then you'll begin living the life you chose - pleasurably, creatively and with an immense amount of fun.
CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-2 : Pleasure, Fun and Creativity

The Attunement Process of Reiki

Most Reiki practitioners allow the energy of Reiki to flow through their hands and into the patient they are working on at the time.  It is an attachment to the Universal Life Force that they are accessing to bring this healing power to people.

As the practitioner goes through the many attunements for each level of Reiki, they will also learn the symbols that are drawn and repeated for maximum healing.  Each level has its own symbols.    Each attunement received by the student raises them to a higher frequency.  The attunement can only be given by a Reiki Master because their connection to the Reiki frequency is so high that they can help you connect to it as well.  An well known example is tuning in a radio station.

You have listened to one all your life, but now want to go to another new higher one.  Such is Reiki, you are just moving from one vibrational frequency to the next.    As this happens, you become more aware and more attuned to may things.  You will start to notice it a little at a time.

Maybe you are more empathetic or maybe you can attract wildlife wherever you go.  You will definitely notice a change as you go through the Reiki levels on your journey to Reiki Master.  During an attunement, the Reiki master will write the Reiki symbols onto your aura.

These attunements are permanent.  Your energy frequency will then adjust to the higher vibration.  These are given usually in groups of ten students.

The Reiki master will approach each student, draw the symbols and anchor them in.  You may feel like you are floating, you may feel like you are in a trance, you may spin somewhat, or you may feel nothing at all.  Once you have access to Reiki, you can begin your journey of helping others with what you have learned.
CONTINUE READING - The Attunement Process of Reiki

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-1 : Security and Safety

Whatever it is in life, it's always best to start in at the very beginning. That way you gain the most out of every single event.

Now, not only is this true for almost everything you'll come across in life, but it's doubly true with Reiki.
So, let's...

Start in on the ground floor level and work our way up to a greater understanding of... life, the universe and all who sail in her.

Okay then, you probably already know, and have maybe even experienced first hand yourself, that :-
You are, indeed, a three-part being (body, mind and spirit) and all the parts are inter-connected. You cannot touch on one level without touching and affecting the other levels too.

Now, bearing this in mind, we are going to try and simplify things - starting at the bottom - literally.
The area at the base of the spine, which includes the rectal area, is the rough position of your 1st Chakra... and it resonates to the color red.

You can do a couple of practical things to energise this area. like wearing red underwear; eating red foods like tomatoes, red peppers, radishes, beetroot etc. And you can also...
Use your Reiki.

Simply lie in bed at night and activate the Power symbol on both of your palms. Rest your hands on your abdomen, and beam the energy through to the base of your spine.

You could also place both hands, palm up, in the area of your coccyx so that you are actually lying on them. But you'll probably find this becomes too uncomfortable after only a few minutes...
So, as the whole thing is to be comfortable enough to drift off to sleep whilst allowing the energy to run - the first method is probably the best one to adopt.

How will you feel when you wake up?

More grounded, relaxed and happy. Why?

Because this area is all to do with feelings of safety and security - no matter what the actual words safety and security may personally mean to you.

For you, it may mean something simple like having lots of food in the cupboard in case of disaster. Or it may be more complex like having several million dollars in the bank.

It really doesn't matter. For you see...
When you relax and trust the universe to take care of you, it no longer becomes such a scary place to be.
You begin to realise that just for today - you have a roof over your head, food on the table and a couple of dollars in your pocket.

Life is great... all your primary needs are being met.
Eventually you will also begin to realise that you have always managed to provide these things for yourself.
Yes, sometimes it may have just been by the skin of your teeth, but you are still here. You managed it.
And there's no real reason to think this will ever stop.

Running the Reiki energy through this Chakra will help open you up to this understanding...
Allowing you to trust in yourself and the universe.
Any issue in your life that makes you feel insecure can be dealt with by using Reiki. Whether it's:
  1. Redundancy
  2. Retirement
  3. Relationship break up
  4. Threat of war
  5. Abandonment
  6. Supermarket closure
  7. Loneliness
  8. Natural disasters
  9. Pregnancy
  10. Falling out with a friend
  11. Debt
  12. Death of a relative etc. etc. etc.
Sending Reiki through your base chakra, as described above, will help to balance these feelings, any feelings, of insecurity you may have.
Just send Reiki and know the issue will be resolved for your highest good, and the highest good of all concerned...
Then comes the hard part - trust in the outcome.
Even if, right now, a negative solution seems to be presenting itself.
Just continue to trust.
For in a few short weeks you will almost certainly be looking back, thinking, 'If things hadn't happened exactly like they did, it just wouldn't have been right'.
Sometimes, though, when you're in the middle of what seems to be an enormous problem, and you're beginning to doubt yourself...
And feelings of insecurity are rampant. Don't face it alone. Enlist some divine help...
But don't settle for second best, (angels and fairies etc) go right to the top.
Ask God.
Get out your pen and paper and write a letter to God:
Dear God,
I've done all I can do about (whatever the problem is). Will you please do the rest.
Now, draw your Reiki symbols on the letter, put it somewhere safe... and forget about it - the problem we mean.
Because it will soon be sorted.
This method works...
It works by literally and symbolically putting the problem to one side, and gently removing you from the picture.
Ready for another hard part?
Leave it alone.
If you catch yourself worrying - STOP. God is sorting it, and if God can't sort it, it's a pretty poor do. Trust in the outcome...
It'll be for your highest good - because that was what you intended.
So, use your Reiki in this way on all your issues of insecurity, and work on building this solid foundation of trust.
In part-2 we'll move on to the NEXT LEVEL, level 2...
CONTINUE READING - The 7 Energy Center of Reiki Part-1 : Security and Safety

Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained

What is meant by Reiki psychic attunement? How does it happen? How is it done? These are just among the questions that bother your mind. Read on and you will learn more.

An Explanation  Generally, the attunement itself is the procedure which aids in the opening and expanding of your innate psychic abilities. Some believers of Reiki emphasize that the procedure assists in clearing you of the concerns that tend to bug your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies which furthermore enhance your own psychic gifts. To add to it, the attunement process brings about the healing energies. Although the latter are simply around us at all times, it does not follow that everyone can easily get them and be absorbed into their system because there are cases when their chakras appear to be imbalanced. It is also during the course of the attunement process that all of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the Hermetic Law of Similarity are called for. There are also several other forms including the Usui, Tibetan, and Karuna Reiki which are employed by many to be able to perform the so-called distance healing symbols which are known to go across space and time. As a general rule, the experience that comes abound with the attunement requires no body of belief or religion for that matter. Also, the attunement can last for a lifetime and may be taken for several times.

Clearing the Misconception  The name psychic attunement is often utilized to mean the process of a Reiki learner being harmonized with Reiki energy and its significance. It has to be clear though that the Reiki energy is not in any way a psychic force since the practitioner does not make use of the mind's power in the treatment session. Simply put, Reiki is likened to ESP, telepathy, or mind reading. Before, modern medicine was too stubborn to accept the efficacy of Reiky. However, after a few more struggles and proofs, it has somehow dedicated a certain spot for Reiky therapy. After all, it does not fall short of its effectiveness when the healing touch is being talked about.

Reiki and the Psychic Term  The term psychic basically points to the powers manifested by the human mind. On the other hand, Reiki is the word that is used in describing the life force or energy that encompasses every living thing. "Life force" may exist through different terms and names in various cultures and countries but the entire concept remains the same.

Therefore, the practitioners of Reiki are not in any way psychics. They are the people who have gone through a rigorous learning experience in expanding their knowledge about life in general. They are also the ones who have tried their level best to learn how the human physical body works and responds to the energy around.

Furthermore, Reiky therapy is qualified as an alternative and complementary medicine. It is also termed as the "energy medicine". Although there are some people who may refer to it as the Reiky psychic attunement, it is to be understood that it does not fall under the category called psychic phenomena. The healers sense the illness or pain and when they get attuned, they can readily feel the warmth of all the energy just with the use of their bare hands. 
CONTINUE READING - Reiki Psychic Attunement Explained

Friday, December 7, 2012

Origins Of Reiki

This ancient practice has been around since the early twentieth century in Japan. 

A practitioner named Mikao Usui said that he had been blessed with the ability to heal without depleting his own energy.  He went to Mount Kurama and meditated for three weeks.  Afterwards, he went back to his village and began teaching others about this healing technique and the symbols that needed to be used in each treatment.   

Usui used initiations called Reiji-ho to enhance people's access to the healing energy. 

These later became known as attunements.  Attunements also gave the student a clearer ability to channel the Reiki as well.  Included in the Reiki teachings were five tenets that give us a simpler way to live our lives.  Usui was a reader of the works of Emperor Meiji.  In the process of developing his Reiki techniques, Usui borrowed some of Meiji's teachings. 

These tenets are to be said twice a day at morning and at night.  The five tenets are as follows:  Just for today I will not worry, Just for today I will not anger, Just for today I will honor all life, Just for today I will earn my living honestly, and Just for today I will give thanks for everything.   

Some of Usui's student preferred to actually touch the patient and find out where the trouble spots were.  Usui practiced a technique called scanning. 

He used scanning to find imbalances and closed chakras.  He had always thought that the laying on of hands was only for beginners.  After treating the beggars and homeless of his village many times, Usui saw that they did not want to help themselves no matter how he tried to help them.  He came up with the idea of an energy exchange between the practitioner and the patient. 

Usui would share his Reiki energy in exchange for some type of monetary payment.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kundalini Reiki For Free

If you look at it, Kundalini reiki is quite simple. It aims to the open up the energy within our body and channel it into a form that can be used for healing. It encompasses the elements of traditional reiki and the practices and beliefs of yoga. The main objective is to reach the highest spiritual level possible, being united with the divine. A free kundalini reiki discussion follows.

There has been a lot of name for it. It has been referred to as "Kundalini fire", the 'serpent energy", the "coiled energy", and even the 'dormant power." If you"re going to follow Hindu beliefs, you will learn that Kundalini is a serpent goddess whose favorite place is at the base of the spine where she sleeps, waiting for someone to wake her up.

Waking Kundalini means releasing an immense energy within us, an energy that will push out of every chakra opening in the body creating sensations of bliss, ecstasy, increase physical powers, visions, brilliance, and even pain.

In Kundalini reiki, there are three levels of attunements each aims at strengthening the energy channels in the body to allow the Kundalini energy to flow out, cleansing blockages that might have accrued in time. The healing energy of the Kundalini allows practitioners to treat using a variety of methods, some hands-on healing while others are long-distance healing techniques.

Although the concept is simple enough, problems are usually encountered in awakening individual Kundalini. It is said that only a few people have actually reached the level of Kundalini awakening. Some have prepared themselves for years trying to awaken their own Kundalini but to no avail.

There are different ways to open the window for a Kundalini awakening. Deep meditations, yoga, and events like trauma or near death experiences can be triggers to releasing the sleeping Kundalini energy. According to beliefs, there have been two effective exercises in the past that proved to be successful in awakening the Kundalini. The breath technique or the kumbhaka is one of them. And the other is the three locks or bandha traya.

But awakening the Kundalini is just half the battle. If years have been spent just preparing for the release of this dormant energy, it will almost take the same time to receive the cleansing process brought forth by the awakening of the Kundalini. Mastering the energy of Kundalini begins with the lowest chakra and moves it way up to the head or the crown chakra. The process might take years.

Even though Kundalini is meant for healing, the enormous energy it releases can cause some level of discomfort. In such situations, there is a necessity to purify the body which means removing in its system drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and greasy foods. Stress should be reduced as well and other issues that might come up whether psychological or emotional should be treated.

When released properly, Kundalini reiki heals the body, reducing stress and providing renewed energy. The combination of traditional reiki practices and the energy of the kundalini fire are effective in promotion spiritual growth and healing geared towards the attainment of enlightenment.

By learning kundalini reiki, you will acquire the knowledge of the various ways to give treatment to another person, the various techniques of healing yourself and the different methods of long-distance healing.

It all starts with this free Kundalini reiki discussion. I hope you pursue this path towards enlightenment.
CONTINUE READING - Kundalini Reiki For Free

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Natural Way to Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Medications are not the only way to control Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. There are also natural means that can help in curing IBS. Unlike any other type of illness such as cancer, brain tumors and others, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not as severe but the discomfort that it causes patients is enough to disrupt their social lives.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common disorder that affects a great number of Americans. As a matter of fact approximately ten to fifteen percent or more of the Americans population is suffering from IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects the intestines and the stomach. Other terms used to refer to IBS are as follows: mucous colitis, nervous stomach, spastic colon, spastic colitis or irritable colon.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is often classified as a functional disorder, which means that it is a primary abnormality that affects the physiological function of the body. It simply cannot be diagnosed in a traditional manner such as blood test, x-ray and others. Why? Because IBS is a complicated disorder wherein symptoms are not clearly defined whether they are caused by the malfunctioning intestines or gut or by the autonomic nervous system that seems to alter the regulation of bowel motility or the sensory function.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain and others. These discomforts are caused by changes in the bowel pattern. There are various treatments available that involves medication, diet and some natural means.

Colonic Massage, Mind/Body Healing and Fiber-rich Foods There are natural ways of controlling IBS symptoms such as colonic massage and mind/body healing. For the colonic massage you can perform this while sitting on the toilet or while lying down and bending your knees. Try to make a fist using your right hand and gently massage your colon by creating circular, digging motion with your knuckles.

Begin with the lower right quadrant of your abdomen and then work up making circular motion under the right side of your ribcage. Do the same with the left quadrant of your abdomen and try to massage your groin or pubic bone. The main objective of this exercise is to induce bowel movement plus it also helps in relieving colic in newborns since it force out gas as well as stool. But remember for newborns minimal force should be applied when doing this exercise.

You must be wondering why apply mind/body healing to control Irritable Bowel Syndrome? IBS often cause emotional and mental stress, which often aggravates symptoms. So in order to control IBS it is very important that patients be encouraged to sick out therapies that make use of somato-emotional release.

The somato(or body)-emotional release is rooted on the belief that trauma is sometimes stored in the tissues of the body and not just in the mind or soul of patients. These traumas need to be eliminated in order for healing to happen. There are various somato-emotional release therapies available that patients can choose from such as craniosacral, reiki, acupuncture and other types of energy healing exercises.

Eating fiber-rich food is also a natural way of controlling IBS. However make sure that you include fiber in your diet little by little since abrupt consumption of fiber may cause gas and may trigger symptoms of IBS. Likewise, it would also help if you would try to take note of foods that you eat. List those foods that trigger IBS symptoms in you and avoid eating them.

CONTINUE READING - The Natural Way to Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How To Heal Yourself?

Healing for most people requires a lot of energy use.  You will need to have a clear mind free of any worries or problems that are going on in your life.  You can use meditation or visual imagery to help you relax.  Breathing is always the best way to help you relax.  Have a steady rhythmical breathing.  On the inhale, imagine a pure white light coming into your body.  On the exhale, visualize all negativity leaving your body.  Send this negative energy into the ground so it can be neutralized.

Washing your hands and visualizing negative energy going down the drain helps.  You can also use bells or chimes to help cleanse the auric field.  Many other ways to clean an aura are burning incense, ask for protection and cleansing, rub Frankincense on your hands and wipe it around the auric field, and call for the Universal Energy to help you.  You can use these suggestions or in your practice, you may find something else that works equally well.  Use that.  There is no wrong in Reiki.  If you follow your intuition, that is all you need.

No matter how much you want to help someone else, always take care of yourself first.  Empathic people use their own energies and end up feeling drained and weak afterwards.  This also makes you vulnerable to illness and any negative energies that are floating around out there.

Direct the Reiki with your mind an use your hands as vessels to carry the energy to the other person.  Let your intent be to help heal the person or to take away some of their pain.  Intent is the most important thing in Reiki.  Always have good intentions concerning yourself or your patients.  Most importantly, practice the Reiki daily to keep yourself strong so you can help others.
CONTINUE READING - How To Heal Yourself?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Healing Yourself and Others

The most important thing to know before healing someone else is to heal yourself. 

Be free of any negativity and have a positive outlook.  This way, your enthusiasm will be passed onto your patient.   

There are several things to look out for when doing Reiki treatments and you must protect yourself and cleanse your aura and Reiki self daily.  You could take on the emotions of the patient you are treating.  Empathic people pick up on others emotions and this sometimes presents a problem for them.  The practitioner can also drain his own life force if he uses his own life energies instead of the Universal Life Force.  This is why it is so important to be attuned to Reiki.  You will be tapping into a Universal Force and not your own energies which will drain you pretty quickly.   

Love yourself and accept yourself before trying the same with others.  This seems simple, but some people never figure it out.  If they don't even like themselves, how will they be able to help other overcome their problems when they can'?  Keep your intentions pure and true to the Universal Life Force of Reiki.  Have only good thoughts, good prayers, and good visions.  Remembering that Reiki will not flow if there are malignant thoughts in your heart.  Keep everything positive and upbeat. 

Be careful of the patient's different energy flows and don't get too caught up in theirs.  It is easy to do as their energy can make yours freeze.  You need to ask the patient to break his energy lock on you and start again.  You can also ground yourself using breathing or visionary techniques.  Wrapping yourself and the room in the pure white light helps with any negativity or energy problems as well.  This is a veil of protection.  After the white light, surround everything with a golden triangle.  This gives added protection from negativity.
CONTINUE READING - Healing Yourself and Others

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is Animal Reiki?

If it is possible, animals love Reiki more than people.  It is a relaxing exchange of energy between the animal and the practitioner. 

Some animals instinctively know you are trying to help them and will stand still and let the Reiki envelope them.  Some animals are givers as well and know how to send Reiki back to the practitioner as well. 

This is a wonderful way to bond with your animal friend.  Animals hold their troubles under the belly or down the spine.  Make sure to hit these areas when you are treating them.  Most practitioners will start at the animal's head and work their way down the spine.  You will sense some "hot" spots and know where you need to go. 

Talk to the animal as you do the treatment.  Let them know you love and care for them and want them to be around a long, long time.  Three times a week should be sufficient to start.  After a week or so, the spots should be worked out, and the animal will heal more easily in the future.  Sometimes, it is something simple bothering the animal. 

Maybe the turmoil in your family or maybe you are under stress at work and you are bringing it home.  Like children, the animal can pick up on this and it can lead to stress for both of you.  The animal may start to feel run down or get violently ill.  Try to keep your emotions in check and not take it out on the family. 

Your children and animals will thank you for it.  These are unconditional bundles of love that you can't buy anywhere else. 

The pets in our lives give us so much, and we should at least try to give them some healing in return. 

Most dogs, cats, horses, birds, lizards, and turtles love to receive Reiki.
CONTINUE READING - What is Animal Reiki?

Chakra Stones, Elements, And Colors

1st Chakra:  Root

Location:  Base of spine Sense:  Smell Element:  Earth Stones:  Black onyx, hematite, carnelian, garnet Color:  Red or black Sound:  Do Musical Note:  C Functions:  Life force, Instincts, survival

2nd Chakra:  Sacral

Location:  Underneath the ribcage Sense:  Taste Element:  Water Stones:  Orange agate, Red jasper Color:  Orange Sound:  Re Musical note:  D Functions:  Procreation, sexuality

3rd Chakra:  Solar Plexus

Location:  Middle abdomen area Sense:  Sight Element:  Fire Stones:  Tiger's eye. Citrine, yellow stones Color:  Yellow Sound:  Mi Musical Note:  E Functions:  Metabolizing food, emotions, and sympathetic nervous system

4th chakra:  Heart

Location:  Center of the chest Sense:  Touch Element:  Air Stones:  Jade, Rose quartz Color:  Green or pink Sound:  Fa Musical note:  F Functions:  Circulating the life blood for energy 5th Chakra:  Throat

Location:  Throat area of neck Sense:  Hearing Element:  Ether Stones:  Lapis lazuli, turquoise Color:  Sky blue Sound:  Sol Musical note:  G Functions:  Communication

6th Chakra:  Brow

Location:  Between the eyes Sense:  All the senses including psychic ability Element:  Light Stones:  Amethyst, Moonstone Color:  Purple Sound:  La Musical Note:  A Functions:  Vision, Imagination, Concentration

7th Chakra:  Crown

Location:  Top of head at the crown Sense:  All senses including consciousness Element:  Will Stones:  Moonstone, clear quartz, amethyst Sound:  Ti Musical Note:  B Functions:  Upper brain functions

These chakras are spirals of energy that rotate in specific orbits.  When one is out of alignment, the body can quickly get sick or ill.  They also help in removing old wasted energies from the body.  A Reiki treatment can help you realign your chakras.  They should spin clockwise and in a perfect circle.  Some will be tilted or even spinning backwards depending on how sick you are.  Go to that part which is causing the most trouble.  For instance, if you have a sore throat, is there some truth you are not communicating that you really need to?
CONTINUE READING - Chakra Stones, Elements, And Colors

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Reiki Symbols Unfolded

What role do the Reiki symbols portray?

First and foremost, it is vital to understand the main role of these symbols. They are not ordinary in such way that they do stand for the sacred healing icons which are meant to improve the flow of the Life Force Energy. They are believed to be the keys that are able to open the doors to the higher level of manifestation and awareness. While the meaning that they denote may sound astounding, it is necessary for you to look at them in the same manner. After all, it is only by means of putting your faith in them that you will be able to achieve a different level of healing.

Where did they come from?

These symbols are derived from the Sanskrit language but which have taken the Japanese formation. The Sanskrit is considered to be the mother tongue of all the languages known to man. The Vedas own the language and Sanskrit forms most of the oldest writings. The Vedas claim that the latter is nonetheless the lingo utilized in the spirit world.

Why are these symbols shown?

Someone who studies these icons should be exposed to the forms and meanings of each and everything. The symbols likewise connect to the metaphysical energies. It is necessary to learn to associate every symbol with its corresponding purpose. Before a student gets attuned to the purpose of the use of the symbols, he has to understand that such procedure has been crafted with a strong sense of Divine covenant and the sacred connection must be maintained between the Creator and the one who is attuned.

The symbols also function using their own awareness. One can meditate on them and attain the guidance on their usage.

What are the involved symbols in Reiki?

The first symbol is called the Cho Ku Rei or the Power Symbol. Even in its absence, the Reiki Energy will continue to flow. However, as it is used, it is powerfully believed to heighten the amount of energy flow. It is centered at the treatment of the physical body and is commonly utilized at the very start of the healing session and at any moment that there is a need for more power.

Sei He Ki comes next and is the utilized symbol to address emotional and mental healing. It is also used for the purposes of purification, protection, balancing, and clearing. It targets the cause of any disease which normally lies in the subconscious mind or within the emotional body or within the conscious mind or the mental body. The healers believe that diseases are the manifestations of some things that need to be attended to and those which require mending. This symbol aims to correct the balance between the left and the right brain.

There is also the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This is the symbol that transmits the Reiki energy across space and time. Meaning, the energy may transpire across the town, across the room, and even across several places all over the world. It transcends distance and can be used to connect time either in the past or future.

Dai Kyo Mo or the Master Symbol. The Light of the Buddha or the Light of the Awakened Heart is its primary essence. It denotes clairvoyance and wisdom which are important elements in the healing of the soul.

These Reiki symbols are considered sacred and are only to be employed by the rightful people.
CONTINUE READING - Reiki Symbols Unfolded

Friday, November 30, 2012

What is Reiki Music?

Reiki music is used to create calm and peaceful atmosphere in order for the healing to take place. This is available for download while some retailers sell these in CD online. One example of this is Shamballa that is often used by seasoned spiritual travelers.

Reiki which is pronounced as Ray Key is a holistic healing system that uses universal energy to heal an individual. In order for this to work, you have to be trained by a Reiki master. Since its rediscovery in the early 1900's, various forms have evolved and some of them use Reiki music.

For those who have never done a Reiki session with music before, it is recommended to use one with gentle tunes first before trying out something more diverse. If the site you are visiting allows you to hear a sound clip, try it out so you have an idea where the music can take you.

Do you really need to use Reiki music during a healing session? The answer is no because meditation music or any other kind may also work as long as it is designed for relaxation purposes.

As much as possible, the recording should last for about 60 to 75 minutes which is the average time it takes to feel energized after a session.

Just like a regular session without music, you can tell if it is working when you feel different sensations throughout your body. An individual who feels down will afterwards experience an emotional release or relief.

Once you have found the right Reiki music, you can put it on and then simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. You then place your hands over your face with the palms over the eyes, touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind the teeth. Remember to inhale and let the energy flow into your body and then let it go out along your arms and out through your face.

The same slow movement should be done with the other parts of the body so you wake up feeling refreshed and recharged.

Reiki wouldn't be around for more than a hundred years if it is not able to help those recover from emotional disturbances and addictions

In fact, various studies have been conducted and results have shown that patients are able to recover faster after surgery. This is the reason that there are more hospitals and clinics that have started to practice Reiki even before an operation to help them relax.

Those who worship Christianity have also embraced Reiki because its methods help them express compassion towards others and bring them closer to God. This is because Jesus healed with his hands and so is the hand healing technique used in Reiki that has made this very appealing.

Anyone can practice Reiki and you can do this with or without Reiki music because the tune that you hear only helps you relax when the most important thing to learn is the proper hand technique. This can only be taught by a master Reiki and when this is passed on to you, this can also be shared with others.

You just need to keep an open mind and have faith so you may also experience the positive energy that is needed to heal whatever part of the body, mind or soul that requires healing.
CONTINUE READING - What is Reiki Music?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reiki Symbols Revealed

There are many Reiki symbols that have already been revealed and each of them is thought to possess a unique vibration of energy.

At one point, they didn't have any names and were simply numbered from one to five. But later on, each one of them stood for something and here they are.

The first is called Cho Ku Rei and is referred to as the Power Symbol. In simple terms, this means, "put all the power of the universe here." This allows the user to draw energy from the surroundings so you can focus it where you want it to.

This can be used for aid in manifestation, cleanse negative energies, empower other Reiki symbols, for spiritual protection, spot treatments, and seal the energies after the treatment.

Next is called Sei He Ki also known as the Mental Emotional symbol because it helps those who are suffering from an emotional or mental imbalance.

Sei He Ki means "God and Humanity Becomes One." This enables the person to find activate Kundalini during meditations, balance between the left and right side of the brain, bring harmony and peace, cleansing, improve one's memory, clear blockages and aligns the upper chakras, provide psychic protection, remove addictions, bad energies and negative vibrations.

Third is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This is a distance symbol that is used to enable the Reiki channel to be able to channel Reiki at a distance regardless if this event happened in the past, the present or the future.

This is an aggregate from the 5 Japanese kanji namely; source, origin, person, right or just, correct certainly and thought or idea. It is also know as a Buddhist chant which means right consciousness is the root of everything.

The fourth symbol is the Tamarasha. It is a basically a balancing and unblocking symbol that may ground and balance energy.

The fifth and last symbol is known as DaiKoMyo that is used to initiate a student to various initiatory Reiki degrees. This is considered to be the most powerful symbol and can only be used by Reiki masters.

This symbol is used t heal the soul since it deals with the person's spiritual self that can cure a disease or illness from the original source in the aura or energy fields. It can also provide enlightenment and peace as it allows the person to become more intuitive and psychic.

Each of these symbols are activated by drawing them in the palm of your hand, visualizing it or spelling the symbols" name three times. Then this is placed or drawn on the client's chakra, hands or wherever this should be treated.

Symbols have power and if you can't remember how to right it correctly, try recalling the alias because this can also be used to harness that energy. With practice, you will no longer need to remember how they look because you will be able to harness it when needed.

Now that the Reiki symbols have been revealed, you will now be able to use them. Just remember that it is the intention that really matters because as mentioned earlier, each of them are used for various things.

And using the right one is the only way you will be able to solve a problem whether it is physical, mental or psychological.
CONTINUE READING - Reiki Symbols Revealed

How does Reiki Work?

The human body is made up of over 50 trillion cells. Each cell contains omniscient wisdom
and is connected to the universe and every living thing within it. A good analogy is to think
of the universe as a huge ocean of water. Every living thing within that ocean is like a tiny
droplet. Together these droplets make up and are part of Reiki the universal life force.

Reiki is part of our genetic structure. An in built intelligence that energises the mind body
and spirit. Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and healing. When it is freely allowed to flow
around the body it can keep us alive and healthy for over one hundred and twenty years.

Unfortunately, bad habits and poor choices result in the flow of Reiki being stifled. It is
important to note that Reiki cannot be destroyed. Even when we die and the life force
leaves our body it continues to exist as part of the universe. Through neglect and ignorance
we abuse this vital component of life.

When the mind body and spirit are in harmony the biological intelligence that governs the
body’s resources and allows it to heal itself and function correctly are intensified. Reiki is
the key that unlocks the body’s optimum capabilities. There are seven main energy centres
in the body that control the flow of the universal life force. They are called the Chakras.
Each chakra is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body. When they
are blocked or clogged the body becomes sick and the flow of energy is diluted.

A full Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and re-balances the flow of the universal life
force around the body. A person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive
days to boost the flow of Reiki energy. This will stimulate the body’s immune system and
natural healing abilities. Normally the body will begin by cleansing itself of toxins. As the
poisons are removed, the body becomes re-balanced and the healing process can begin.

Many cultures have developed techniques and disciplines that stimulate the flow of KI
energy around the body. However, Reiki is the easiest to learn and administer. The
techniques are simple to master. The results are profound.
CONTINUE READING - How does Reiki Work?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What is Reiki Symbols?

Reiki symbols have been kept secret until recent times.  It is thought that you can't use the symbols until you are attuned to Reiki.  These symbols represent the energy and power that is used during a Reiki treatment.  They help the practitioner increase the energy flow in some areas if needed.  Of course, there are variations to these symbols in the different schools of Reiki.  They all represent energy and they all work the same.  It is what they mean that gives them their power. 

Cho ku rei is the power symbol and is used to help focus Reiki energy.  You can draw this symbol in the air over the affected limb or body part and push it down into the body.  This helps to anchor the healing intent of the practitioner into the patient's body. 

You can also use this symbol to charge crystals or even the food you eat at every meal.  Sei he ki is the mental emotional symbol.  It helps the Reiki to harmonize all parts of your psyche together.  It is sometimes used for getting rid of bad habits or helping to begin a new regimen in your life.  Hon sha ze sho nen is the distance symbol of Reiki.  It helps you connect to issues of the past, present, or future.  It can help with some past life issues as well.

You can also use the symbol when doing distant treatments for patients who can't travel.  Some masters use it at the end of a session to help anchor in your treatment and to say thanks for giving them the opportunity to help you in your recovery process. 

Dai ku myo is the master symbol.  It activates Self Empowerment and opens your spiritual connection.  It is believed that this symbol will work at the genetic and cellular levels.  It connects us to God as well as our higher selves. 

This is also the symbol used by Reiki masters to activate th attunement process.  It has also been used as a protection symbol.  You can draw it on paper or in the air whenever you feel frightened.
CONTINUE READING - What is Reiki Symbols?

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